What is Spirituality ?

What is Spirituality ?

Spirituality deals with enlightening one's thoughts, emotions and intrinsic tendencies. In simple terms it is the most evolved and comprehensive science of psychological, sociological and moral development, and ultimate progress. It brightens the intellect together with inculcation of sensitivity towards fellow beings and towards the grace of Nature. There is no place for superstitions, fantasy or escapism in a truly spiritual life. Spiritual progress in no way blocks scientific and materialistic progress. In fact, it gives altruistic touch and prudent directions to both so that progress will not be focused only towards increase in luxurious comforts and worldly profits; it will not enrich and empower only some privileged ones. Scientific and materialistic progress guided by spirituality would lead to holistic growth whose benefits would reach out to the whole of humanity and which will not result in any counter-effects in future. Spirituality can and should be adopted on every front of life for elevating happiness and illuminating the future.

We must remember that spiritual progress cannot commence without tapa and sadhana. These are the most essential and adept supports for spiritual enlightenment and evolution of self-consciousness up to high realms of divinity. Tapa means self-restrain, penance and voluntary observance of ascetic disciplines for chiseled self-refinement. Prayaschitra ( atonement, expiation) is also a part of this purifying process. It requires wholehearted altruistic service as well because one needs to do much more for the welfare of the society than the harm he has caused because of his mistakes or misdeeds. Without his be cannot get rid of the burden of his blemishes. If one digs a big hole, he would need larger amounts of soil and harder lobor to fill it back. Sinful or wrong actions cannot be rectified or compensated without thorough attempts at performing compensating, benevolent deeds.

The domains of spiritual knowledge and practices are neither confined to abstract philosophical deliberations of some scholars, nor to some mythological narrations or rhetoric anecdotes of the lives of divine incarnations that might attract or engross the minds of devotees. Intellectually inspiring discourse and discussions, or devotional songs and stories may serve the purpose of introducing or attracting the minds of the listeners towards some spiritual teachings. But this alone is not sufficient for spiritual progress. Same is true of the religious rituals like worship. These practices would be nothing more than some different kinds (may be 'holy kinds', though) of entertainment unless one attempts to adopt the underlying teaching in one's conduct. Devotion is not some kind of hallucination or sentimental excitement. It is a process of inner linkage and eventual unification with the object of devotion. It demands surrender of ego, change of attitude, and control with positive orientation of ambitions of the devotee to match with the noble qualities of the deity. 

Satendra Shrivastava
Yoga Mentor & Therapist 
Mob: +91-9826684116
Email: peacefulmind.yogaindia@gmail.com
Web: www.peacefulmind.co.in

